Top Ten Signs your an Idiot10. You're related to me 9. your name is buba OR keke(when you are male) 8. You use words that don't exist thinking they are real words 7. you act anything like my former friend after he reads this, Frank 6. you hang out with sykokiller 5. you were taught school by your father who is also your uncle 4. You can't read or understand this list 3. lskakcufdjf;sladkjiffypopsjdjdfkls 2. your name is Richard 1. you don't understand the words I am saying
hint: read #3 backwords
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If you can find the three words hidden in #3 backwords or norm., you will be mailed a check for $100!!
Please divide that one hundred dollars by one hundred and you will get the true amount.
HInt: if you read #3 backwards you ARE an idiot |